1) Dont be mean, be nice.
2) Dont do stuff that will get me in trouble. ;)
3) No spamming!
4) Use your common sense.
5) Take it easy.
Here the rest of the rules
.tell <username> <message> | Saves a message for a user. The user will receive the message the next time they are active.
.ud <term> | Searches Urban Dictionary for a definition.
.np <last.fm username> | Displays the most recent song played by the specified Last.fm username.
.in <duration (w/d/h/m/s)> <message> | Sets a reminder and notifies you with the provided message after the specified duration.
.yt <search term> | Searches YouTube and returns a video matching the provided search term.
.help | Lists all bot commands.
Additionally, Nickserv, Hostserv, Chanserv, and Botserv are available for managing your IRC experience!